Friday, February 10, 2006


Ever wondered how we go on and on talking endlessly about love and its fallacies? Or, love and its magical mysteries?
As if there never existed another emotion…
I met a friend of mine today after 2 ½ years. Old buddy, fabulous well traveled job, a live-in relationship, bassist in an upcoming rock band from Australia, and an amazingly cute guy. ( HOT! Is an understatement!)
As usual, love lives are an easy topic to catch up on lost time… So there we were discussing the usual agony & ecstasy.
And then he mentioned something really hard hitting and true.
Hatred, he said, was the truest of all emotions or feelings.
Think about it. When we hate, we hate with our deepest loathe and disgust. We tend to get vengeful and work out meticulously planned strategies keeping a scrutiny on each and every move on our targets! Whoa… sounds like a war zone. But hey? That’s what hatred results into right?
Jealousy. Another fun feeling. Half the things we’re into today are because knowingly, unknowingly we let envy become our driving force. Ambition and zeal are just words for self flattery. Delve deep inside and you’ll unwillingly admit to yourself of all those times you’ve envied your own close buddies!( Holds true for me too)
Hunger. The deadliest of them all. It kills. Literally. And it’s not fun at all. Why so much crime and hatred and jealousy and all the negativity? Hunger for Sex, Money, Success, Revenge, Love, and the barest necessity of them all… Food.
Hunger is the worst enemy. But then again. The best friend.
Any takers?!